
澳洲技术移民 专业名词解释大全
浏览次数:809 次发布时间:2015/10/7 21:24:37来源:中国出国劳务信息网

Onshore: 指申请人在澳洲境内申请
Points test: For most General Skilled Migration visas, your application will be assessed against a points test. You can claim points under a range of different factors. The maximum points that can be claimed in any one factor reflects how sought after those characteristics are in the Australian labour market. (大部分的一般技术移民签证,都要通过一个分数测试,根据你个人的情况,通过几个方面获得分数,来反映你是否符合澳洲劳工市场的需求)
Pass mark: The pass mark is the total points you need to score to be eligible for a points-tested General Skilled Migration visa. (是指你申请一般技术移民签证时所需要的分数)
Pool mark: If you do not achieve the pass mark, the pool mark is the total number of points you must score if your application is to be held in reserve. Your applicationmay be held in reserve for up to two (2) years after it is assessed. If you are unable to reach the pass mark during this period, your application will be refused.If you score below the pass mark, but above the 'pool mark', your application will be held 'in the pool' for up to two (2) years after assessment. (比pass mark 要低,如果你低于Pass mark, 但是高于Pool mark,你的申请并不会被立刻拒绝,而是被放进pool, 等待2年,如果在这期间有任何的政策改变,或你想申请别的种类技术签证,你都有可能通过)

Category Current pass mark Current pool mark Skilled - Independent (subclass 136) visa 120 70 Skilled - Independent Regional (subclass 495) visa 110 110 Skilled - Australian Sponsored (subclass 138) visa 110 105 Skilled - Independent Overseas Student (subclass 880) visa 120 120 Skilled - Australian Sponsored Overseas Student (subclass 881) visa 110 110 Skilled - Onshore Independent New Zealand Citizen (subclass 861) visa 120 120 Skilled - Onshore Australian Sponsored New Zealand Citizen (subclass 862) 110 110

AoS - Assurance of Support
An Assurance of Support is an undertaking to provide financial support to an applicant and any dependants so that they will not have to rely on government benefits to live. Any eligible government payments made within the first two (2) years of migrating can be recovered by the Australian Government.
财力证明,证明你个人在移民后的前两年不会靠政府的任何资助,一般是要通过存一笔钱到CENTERLINK,如果是申请父母签证(交钱多的那种),要提供10年的,如果是担保签证,担保人则要提供AOS,一般要同时证明收入能力并存一笔押金) 共6页12345下一页末页

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